
Exhibition Design Trends To Watch Out For in 2020

Exhibitions have long been a popular and effective choice for companies who seek to connect with customers and potential customers face-to-face. Exhibition give companies the opportunity to show off their products and services while giving attendees the chance to experience them first hand. However, as consumer expectations shift and evolve, the importance of staying on top of the latest trends is extremely important for trade show marketers.

Need for innovation and greater customer engagement are cornerstones of new trends in exhibition design. Needs of clients:

– Brand positioning

– Greater footfalls

– Increase in time spent in their booths

– Encourage small talk and non-commercial discussion to build customer connect

– Cater to target audience (family, buyers, end customers etc)


Think of your exhibition booth design as a business card. It needs to have all the right information present in the design; it needs to be flashy and eye catching enough to make sure people come over, pick up the memory, and take it home for reference later.

Allow the booth to speak for itself, draw the eye to the primary touch points, and allow your visual strategy to naturally guide visitors to the points in the stall they need to be. If your exhibition stall or booth isn’t interactive, and it doesn’t keep the customer in mind, it’s not going to have the impact you want it to. Some ideas to engage senses –

  • Aroma humidifier or air fresheners are a great way to create a welcoming, restful space.
  • Accent lighting or hanging light feature make your exhibition booth visually attractive and engaging.
  • Subtle music or any specific type of music which is played in your advertisements or office spaces can draw visitors’ attention.
exhibition booth design
Image Courtesy: World Fuel at NBAA-BACE 2019


Looking after the planet is kind of an important thing right now. You can build your exhibition stall design from recycled and recyclable materials. You can include reusable water bottles, bamboo/hemp shirts, reusable bags, and pens/pencils/notebooks made from sustainable or recycled materials. There is a wide range of options available. This cuts down on the amount you throw away at the end of each exhibition, making your activities more eco-friendly. On the financial side, reusable components mean you can invest your marketing budget safe in the knowledge that with a few tweaks, a different layout, and new graphics you can have a completely fresh exhibition booth for very little cost. Visitors are likely to appreciate your efforts.

exhibition stall design
Recycled, recyclable exhibit booth designed and built by Studio Tectonic for the National Association for Interpretation conference in Denver


It’s always been a great idea to dedicate a small space at your exhibition stall for people to rest up. In 2020, that’ll ramp up under the banner of mindfulness or wellness. Perhaps consider a massage station for tired feet or aching shoulders!

exhibition stall
Image Courtesy: Miuvo


Playing games at your exhibition booth can be a light-hearted way of encouraging interaction and participation and this idea is perfect for those who want to stay on message as well. Incentivize participation at your booth using a reward system that recognizes participation or the achievement of specific objectives with either material or social incentives. For everyone who can correctly state all of your product verticals offer them an item. For participants who complete all the requirements enter them to win a trip. Alternatively or concurrently, create a sense of competition by allocating points for performing desired activities, and broadcasting a leaderboard. Make prizes relevant to you and your brand in some way so that they’re more memorable and everything ties together nicely.


There’s a mobile device in the hands of every person on the show floor. Also, they might be carrying their laptops around to keep up with what’s happening back at their offices between meetings and speakers. Or, maybe they want to ease their minds and giggle quietly at their favorite memes.

As another way to accommodate attendees and make them feel comfortable, exhibitors are incorporating charging stations into their exhibition booth architecture. Once hidden for stall staff to use, charging stations are becoming more pronounced and available. When folks need to charge, they’ll potentially linger a little longer until their device is sufficiently charged, which allows your booth staff to have a conversation with them. It’s convenient for them and an insanely easy way to start a discussion.

charging stations
Image Courtesy: Sprint


Giving away a branded pen is becoming stale. Exhibitors are getting crafty with their giveaway items, opting for sustainable things that are relevant to their brand’s message. On the show floor, vending machines are a creative way to distribute items, rather than displaying them on a tabletop.

For example, at WBENC 2019, Facebook® gave away a branded bag full of things by women-owned businesses, to show that they were there to support and grow them through their platform. The vending machine distributed the items with the scan of an attendee badge, and representatives were stationed nearby to assist and talk with prospects.

Another popular method of distributing giveaway items is by allowing attendees to add customizations. Exhibitors are using press technology to stamp desired messages or designs from the attendee onto items such as bags or key chains. Stationed at the press, a representative can spark a conversation with prospects as they acquire their memorable gift.

Studio Meso